BGS Autumn Meeting 2020: Trainees session update summary

The BGS Autumn Meeting 2020, delivered via an interactive online platform, was a fantastic success with lots of interesting speakers. The Trainees' session was led by Dr Carly Welch, Chair of the Trainee Council, on 27 November.

A key theme was sharing of knowledge, with recordings of regional training days being published on the BGS website available to all members. It was agreed that we should continue to promote collaborative working across regions.

We encourage trainees to share their work and the abstract submission instructions have been updated to help with this.

We were also reminded that the BGS website has learning modules available free to members.

Other notable updates are that the ‘Silver Book’ is being relaunched, and excitingly there will be an online forum on the BGS website for members to connect online.

The BGS has been working hard on the new geriatric training curriculum which all trainees will transition to from 2022.

The results of the BGS Trainees Council election were announced: Dr Katherine Chin is our new junior trainee representative and Dr Sarah True is training and education representative.

Written by: Dr Rebecca Talbot, Leadership and Education Fellow - Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust