This chapter sets out why commissioners must focus on older people and frailty when planning services. It also talks about the role of comprehensive geriatric assessment, the workforce challenge and how the needs of older people are at the heart of our blueprint.
This chapter introduces our Blueprint with a foreword by our President and Honorary Secretary/lead author, an executive summary and a roundup of our 12 recommendations.
Results of a survey carried out among attendees of the BGS Trainees' Weekend 2022, reflecting on issues relating to study leave and the wider picture for Trainees.
Collated resources on frailty in settings including care home medicine, emergency medicine, frailty units and community. Resources relevant to specialised services such as diabetes, heart failure and oncology can also be found here.
Find out what frailty is and how it can be diagnosed and managed.
This area of the Frailty Hub focuses on the national picture. Here you can access publications by NHS England, NICE, GIRFT, NHS RightCare and NHS Benchmarking.
This section of the BGS Delirium Hub focuses on managing delirium in specific settings and clinical situations.
This winter, respiratory illnesses, including COVID and flu, are prevalent across the NHS affecting both older people and the healthcare professionals who care for them. It is important for both older people and healthcare professionals to be vaccinated to give them the best chances of staying well.
Ageing is a global concern. This issue looks at how initiatives and learning across geographical boundaries can help to improve the health of older people, both close to home and internationally. This content is limited to members only.
This section provides hints and tips for quality improvement projects that relate to the health and care of older people, with real examples from BGS conferences.