Samuel Willis describes the value of stories - telling them and listening to them. It creates bonds and humanises the teller and listener.
The Conference Report for the BGS Autumn Meeting in November 2017
Roger Jay argues that there is a plethora of guidelines governing hip fracture, but very little evidence. He contrasts this with stroke where evidence has been the focus, to good effect. Stroke has led the way - we need evidence for managing the hip fracture patient.
This issue includes reports from the BGS Autumn Meeting 2017, the British Society for Heart Failure Conference and an interview with the Past President of BASP.
You are an anaesthetist, a surgeon, an oncology specialist, or other acute care physician. Team members’ training may not have focused on the needs of older people and may lack confidence and expertise in managing older people.
The first challenge on your improvement journey is to identify whether there are areas of the care you provide for frail older patients that could be improved, and then convincing others that the solution to the problem is the right one.
You may already have a good idea about the service outcomes you wish to improve. Evidence suggests that integrating assessment and management of frail older patients into your service is more effective than having a consultation geriatric service at arm’s length.
Designing solutions and delivering change is more effective when delivered by a core team of people who invest in engaging with a network of stakeholders. You may wish to start thinking about the advocates of improving care for frail older people in your service early.
The overarching message about successful improvement shows how social relationships in organisations are key for embedding the technical features of change. A lot of time and energy in leading organisational change will require you to uncover and mitigate barriers.
NICE impact reports review how NICE recommendations for evidence-based and cost-effective care are being used in priority areas of the health and care system, helping to improve outcomes where this is needed most.
This NICE quality standard, published in September 2018, covers the organisation and delivery of emergency and acute medical care in the community and in hospital.
Read our international journal publishing refereed original articles and commissioned reviews on geriatric medicine and gerontology