When Mr Chamberlain announced on September 3rd 1939 that this country was at war with Germany, the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) swung into action.
Before the Second World War, Britain was not self-sufficient in many materials. Less than one third of the food available in the UK at the start of the war was home produced and the country had to import some 20 million tons each year.
Dr Alicja Baczynska considers the association between frailty and poor dietary choices.
This review features 53 studies funded by the National Institute of Health Research, which was set up to address the needs of the NHS.
Depression and anxiety can severely affect the quality of life of those living with dementia but the overlap of symptoms can present challenges.
As frailty progresses, individuals become more susceptible to developing conditions known as frailty syndromes, which may include multiple falls, acute confusion/delirium, sudden loss of mobility and incontinence.
Advance care planning (ACP) is a process of engagement with the person, their family and a member of the nursing home team which promotes inclusivity and personalisation.
Symptoms associated with dementia can add to the challenges of managing a stoma and this resource offers some practical tips.
Decision-making is a critical element of nursing where evidence and education both play a crucial role.
View and download presentations delivered at the 2018 BGS Autumn meeting.
A brief background to the workforce data published by BGS.
Read our international journal publishing refereed original articles and commissioned reviews on geriatric medicine and gerontology