Focusing community services on those with frailty can improve quality of care and reduce hospital bed usage. This guide provides advice on the commissioning and management of services for people living with frailty and includes the downloadable report Fit for Frailty Part 2.
John’s Campaign advocates for the removal of all restrictions on family carers supporting their relatives in hospital and a positive attitude of welcome and collaboration throughout the health and care system.
Christine McAlpine, reporting on activites of BGS Scotland to the Board of Trustees. Responsibility for the NHS in Scotland is a devolved matter and rests with the Scottish Government.
By the time someone with dementia moves into a care home, they may already be experiencing significant weight loss and other nutrition-related problems. This may trigger further physical and mental deterioration.
Ignoring older patients’ potential for personal growth could be a form of ageism, according to Prof John Gladman. “People can still have personal growth independent of the negatives of physical decline and social loss and we should be asking ourselves how we can encourage that.
Quality care for older people with urgent and emergency care needs - the 'Silver Book' - is a review of the problems older people encounter when they need emergency medical care. It shows how emergency admissions can be reduced and the experience of those admitted improved.
The Older Person Whisperer's series of comic presentations on the life of a geriatrician
Despite significant advances in diagnosis and management, coronary artery disease remains a significant worldwide cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in older adults, with a steep increase in mortality in those aged ≥70 years old.
Definitions of a disease typically revolve around finding a pathological process in a part of the body that produces an identifiable combination of symptoms and signs. Which parts of this are true for NPH?
Twelve downloadable presentations given at the Third National Frailty Conference in 2017.
Fracture services often fail to respond to the true complexity of their older patients’ needs. The Care of Patients with Fragility Fracture (the 'Blue Book', available as a download) sets out best practice in the care and prevention of fragility fractures.
Vulnerable older people deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, humanity and compassion. The BGS promoted standards covering five key areas of caregiving, accompanied by a downloadable poster and flyer.
Read our international journal publishing refereed original articles and commissioned reviews on geriatric medicine and gerontology