Vacancy: BGS Vice President of Academic Affairs

The BGS is recruiting for the post of Vice President for Academic Affairs (VP:AA) which will fall vacant in November 2020, as the current incumbent, Professor Adam Gordon, takes on the role of BGS President Elect. Expressions of interest are now being invited for this position.

The VP is responsible for leading the BGS’s work in promoting scientific and clinical research, and encouraging the development of research capacity, skills and partnerships.
It is an important senior role in the Society, providing research/academic leadership to complement the Society’s clinical leadership.
This is a voluntary, unpaid role, though travel costs and other expenses will be covered.
The anticipated time commitment is up to one day a fortnight, but this is not spread evenly through the year. The post holder is Chair of the Research and Academic Development Committee, and will also be expected to attend and report to meetings of the BGS Trustee Board four times a year. Administrative support will be provided by the BGS secretariat.
The term of office is three years.
How to self-nominate

Those interested in discussing the purpose and activities in more detail are invited to contact the Chief Executive, Sarah Mistry, s [dot] mistry [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk.

The closing date for the receipt of applications is 9am on 12 October 2020. Candidates should send a CV and a statement of no more than 2 pages setting out why they would be suitable for the role to Joanna Gough at j [dot] gough [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk. Interviews will be held online during the period 21-23 October 2020.