England Council Vacancy for Deputy Chair
Dr Tarun Solanki has now succeeded Dr Tun Aung as Chair of England Council.
This means that there is now a need to recruit a new Deputy Chair.
The term of office as Deputy Chair is for two years, at which point the Deputy Chair will succeed Dr Solanki as Chair.
England Council meets 3 times a year.
The England Council Chair is an ex officio member of the BGS Board of Trustees. The BGS Trustee Board meets 4 times a year and the Chair of England Council is required to attend each meeting; the deputy Chair may be called upon to attend these meetings if the Chair is unable to do so.
If you are interested in applying for the Deputy Chair role, please contact the BGS Business and Office Manager, Mark Stewart on 020 7608 8575 or at committees@bgs.org.uk. Self nominations should be accompanied by a short career summary and a brief indication of how the candidate would approach the requirements of the role.
If you are not already a regional office bearer and are interested in the Deputy Chair post you are strongly advised to discuss the role with your regional Chair or Secretary in the first instance. Ideally anyone applying for the role of Deputy Chair should have experience as a regional office holder in the capacity of regional Chair, Secretary or Treasurer.
The closing date for self-nominations is midnight on the 30 March 2019.