Lynn MacDiarmid

I am a Registered Nurse (Adult), and I work as a Consultant Nurse in the Community Hospitals in Leicester and Leicestershire.

I have worked in Community Hospitals since 2008 as Ward Sister. Since 2015, I have been working as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner.

My previous background is Trauma Orthopaedics in an Acute Trust for 15 years – from Staff Nurse to Ward Sister, and then Education and Practice Development Sister.

I am currently undertaking an ARC East Midlands Match-funded part-time PhD on Older Peoples’ Experiences Following Admission to the Emergency Department with an Acute Illness and the Potential for Unrecognised Trauma and Stress: An Interpretivist Phenomenological Enquiry.

Things I am passionate about… Advanced Practice; Older People; Mental Health in Physical Health settings; Clinical Academic Careers in Nursing; Equality, Diversity, inclusion, equity and justice;

I am a member of the British Geriatrics Society and am a member of the BGS EDI Subgroup.

I am Vice Chair (EDI) for the Chief Nursing Officer’s Shared Professional Decision-Making Council – Research, and have been a member of the council since its inception in 2020.

I was a member of the BGS Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Council Committee (2017 – 2024) and Representative for the England Regional Council (2021- February 2024)
