Moe Thaw Oo

Moe is Head of MBChB and Chair of the MBChB Programme Committee at the School of Medicine, University of Leeds. He is Chair of Medical Education and Inclusive Practice at Leeds Institute of Medical Education (LIME). He is the inaugural Chair of Inclusive Practice in Contemporary British Higher Education. He is responsible for the academic, operational, and financial sustainability of the Programme, where 15,000 students from over 100 nations study Medicine. He is the founding chair of the Inclusion Advisory Group and a Council Member at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and the first ED&I Lead at the British Geriatrics Society. His research interests lie within global medical education, inter-professional learning, and inclusive learning cultures. He keeps active clinical practice as an honorary consultant physician and geriatrician at Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS, with a special interest in Parkinson’s disease. He maintains a strong vision that an inclusive working and learning culture should be fostered throughout the Society, and we all will champion the wellbeing of senior citizens from diverse backgrounds.