Mrs Lynne Shaw
Since first registering as a nurse over 34 years ago, Lynne has spent most of her career specialising in the care of older people. She has held a number of roles, spanning a range of acute and community-based settings, including ward sister, community matron and specialist nurse and was the lead nurse in the Gateshead Care Homes Initiative, which received national recognition within the New Care Models ‘Vanguard’ team. Lynne is an older person’s nurse fellow and a master’s graduate with a focus on practice development and improving frailty care alongside workforce colleagues across health and social care. This current regional secondment to the NENC ICS Ageing Well team from her substantive nurse consultant position, provides Lynne with the opportunity to continue to play a key proactive role in raising the profile of staff working with older adults and promoting system-wide improvements which enhance care for older people and their families