44th Amulree Prize now open for submissions

We invite entries from medical and dental students for the 44th award of the Amulree Prize, to be submitted by 5pm on 31 July 2021. The prize commemorates the late Lord Amulree, a founder member and former President of the British Geriatrics Society, and was instituted in 1975.
The essay should be between 4,000 and 8,000 words in length and should be on a subject pertinent to ageing or old age, from a medical, biological or sociological point of view. It should include a review of relevant literature, but particular credit will be given for original thought and accounts of personal experience. Reports on ‘special study modes’ would be welcome. Marks are awarded for overall presentation, structure, strength of arguement, completeness of supporting literature, conclusions and relevance to geriatric medicine.
The first prize is £450; the second prize £350; the third prize £250.
To enter, you must be a medical or dental student on a full-time course, or on secondment to a Medical or Dental School in the UK or the Republic of Ireland.
How to submit an essay
Essays should be submitted by email, in MS Word format (please put your name and the name of your school in the header of each page), to Jo Gough, BGS Scientific Officer via J [dot] Gough [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk. The closing date for submission of essays is 5pm on 31 July 2021. No correspondence can be entered into concerning the judges' decision.