Richard Biram

I have been a Consultant Geriatrician in Cambridge for the past 15 years. I’m a full-time NHS clinician providing cover for a geriatric medicine ward with a sub-speciality interest in peri-operative medicine.

As clinical lead for the department I developed an interest in service design and development. I have set up a Rapid Access Service for GPs and an Acute Frailty Unit. I have been speciality advisor to the UnitingCare Partnership, helping redesign services for older people in the local community. I have set up a surgical pre-assessment clinic with colleagues in anaesthetics and more recently an emergency laparotomy review service. In 2012 I set up a process of hospital-wide screening for frailty as part of a major frailty pathway development which I undertook in collaboration with our local CCG.

I am interested in bringing my expertise to bear in helping to guide policy developments in the provision of services for older adults at a Regional and National level.

The next few years are clearly an important time for the NHS. As one of the largest medical specialities, with a growing patient demographic, the British Geriatrics Society has an increasingly important role in future service provision.

I would very much like to be a part of shaping the messages and guidance that the BGS imparts over the next 4 years and ensuring that we remain a strong voice advocating for the care of older adults and in particular for those people who may be less able to advocate for themselves.