Ten reasons to attend the virtual BGS Autumn Meeting
Are you still undecided about attending the BGS Autumn Meeting? Here are ten reasons to register for our event today.
1. Get the latest updates on some of the hottest topics in geriatric medicine
The BGS Autumn Meeting programme includes sessions on the most fundamental issues facing older people including frailty, dementia, falls, oral health and end-of-life care. Attendees can expect to come away with the latest evidence, fresh clinical perspectives and renewed enthusiasm which they can take back to their colleagues and patients.
2. Be among the first to access new research and evidence
The BGS Autumn Meeting is a fantastic opportunity to hear about brand new data, research and evidence emerging in the field of geriatrics. What’s more, you will be able to engage directly with those who are carrying out this work to ask questions or give feedback.
3. Hear from our expert speakers
- Dr Eileen Burns, Geriatrician, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
- Professor Maggie Rae, President, Faculty of Public Health
- Dr Melanie Dani, Consultant, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Dr Rose Penfold , Academic Clinical Fellow, St Thomas' Hospital (GSTT)
And many, many more!
4. Attend small group workshop sessions
Workshop sessions allow participants to really get the most from their conference experience by providing the time, space and opportunity to explore core topics with experts and gain personal insight. Workshop sessions at the BGS Autumn Meeting will include how to be a good peer reviewer and how to promote healthy ageing.
5. Network with multidisciplinary healthcare professionals
Due to the breadth and depth of our comprehensive three-day programme there are diverse sessions relevant not only to consultants in geriatric medicine but also to trainees, nurses, allied health professionals, GPs and consultants from other specialities working in acute, primary and community care. Using the Swapcard platform, delegates can access MDT networking groups, poster presentations and a variety of specialty sessions including Meet ups for Nurses and AHPs, GPs and Registrars.
6. Enjoy unparalleled comfort, convenience, and flexibility
This year our virtual format allows you to enjoy the same high-quality content from the comfort and convenience of your home, workplace, or other location of your choice. This means you can dip in and out to attend sessions of particular interest to you while still being available at short notice to cover clinical duties and other responsibilities. You don’t have to participate ‘live’ and can choose when you engage with sessions at a time convenient to you.
7. Future-proof your CPD
Registered delegates will have access to the platform and event recordings of the conference for 12 months after the event. This provides the ability to claim further CPD credits at a time convenient to them. After accessing the content on the day, you will receive a CPD certificate via email to add to your professional portfolio. When accessing content after the event dates you can record additional external CPD directly with the RCP. You can also access your past certificates on the BGS website, plus content from other events, available exclusively to BGS members (and non-member attendees) if you wish to refresh your memory.
8. Share your work
BGS meetings offer the opportunity to present your own work and share your experiences with peers from across the rest of the UK and beyond. You can now also submit abstracts presented elsewhere for consideration at BGS meetings to help give your previous work an additional boost.
9. Breathe, stretch, and stay active
Learn tips and access tools to keep yourself and your patients active. The wellbeing session will include links to resources and recordings to help you meditate, practice yoga, and do stretching exercises to get your blood flowing during the Autumn Meeting, and in the future.
10. Connect with your community
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, and its serious implications for older people’s healthcare, there has never been a more crucial time to connect with your colleagues. As well as sharing experience and support with other healthcare professionals in your field, this is the perfect opportunity to catch up with old friends from around the country, using the Swapcard’s user-friendly interfaces.
Register today for the virtual BGS Autumn Meeting 2021, 24 to 26 November 2021.