Being inspired by the next generation of Geriatricians

Bethany Taylor, an FY3 Doctor in Birmingham, is a Junior Representative on the BGS Trainee Council and chair of the Medical Student Subcommittee. She posts on X via @Beth_Taylor8.
Over the past 15 months, a group of medical students from across the UK (and internationally) with a shared passion for older people have been meeting together as a subcommittee of the British Geriatrics Society (BGS) Trainees Council. Individuals have been paired up with Trainees Council members to become involved across the breadth of the BGS, ranging from policy and communications to education and research, gaining greater insight into the Society’s inner workings and life as a geriatrics trainee.
An avid enthusiasm for the care of older patients has been tangible in meetings, revealing a collective desire to advance research, education and policy from such an early point in their career. It has been impossible to miss their intentionality in seeking to change the portrayal of geriatric medicine amongst undergraduate students and improve its representation within undergraduate curricula.
Inspired by this desire to change the undergraduate landscape, work has taken place to promote older people’s healthcare amongst the wider medical student population and inspire individuals towards a career within the specialty. One such successful event was organised at King’s College London, where a variety of medical students were given exciting insights into the world of geriatrics, ‘debunking myths’, discussing training pathways and considering wellbeing within the NHS. Alongside such events, a network of ‘GeriSocs’ (University Geriatrics Societies) has begun to be identified, aiming to link and support students passionate about the care of older patients from early in their careers.
In the words of one third-year medical student from London, “being part of the BGS subcommittee has profoundly strengthened my commitment to geriatric medicine… these efforts have built a strong network among medical students, enhancing awareness and enthusiasm for care of older adults. Being involved with a group of like-minded individuals has been truly inspirational”.
With students such as these, fuelled by a heart and passion for both our older patients and inspiring the future generations of geriatricians, the specialty will remain in safe hands.
We would like to thank our medical students for their enthusiastic involvement, and to all those who have supported and continue to support the subcommittee.
If you are a medical student interested in geriatrics, you can become a BGS member for free today! Sign up on the BGS website.
If you are a medical student looking to be linked to your nearest GeriSoc or start one in your own University, please email us at trainees [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk.
If you would like to be involved in supporting the BGS Medical Student Subcommittee, please contact the BGS Trainees Council at trainees [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk.
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