BGS Rising Star Awards 2024: Open for applications

Applications are now open for the British Geriatrics Society’s Rising Star Awards. These prestigious awards are made to people who show exceptional promise in their research or clinical quality work and have the potential to be leaders within healthcare for older people.
The Rising Star awards are a prestigious acknowledgement of an individual’s leadership potential. Past winners have gone on to take up senior clinical or academic roles and have also become senior officers within the BGS.
This year we have three Rising Star Awards open for applications.
For the first time, two awards are available for research contributions that have translated into, or are in the process of being translated into, improvements to the care of older people. One research award is open to medical practitioners. The second award is open to the wider multi-professional workforce (Nurses, AHPs or Pharmacists).
Do you know someone who might be a suitable candidate? Please do encourage them to apply. If you or they need any further details, please call Joanna on 0207 608 8574 or email j [dot] gough [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk |
All three awards are made to BGS members only, who have a programme of ongoing research or relevant quality improvement work. The awards are made within 15 years of registration with the NMC, GMC or HCPC to those who have already made a significant impact in the healthcare of older people, beyond what would normally be expected at that stage of a career.
The deadline for applications is 11 October 2024. For full information about how to apply, please click here. |