Dr Anil Kumar
I am working as a substantive consultant in General and Geriatric Medicine at County Hospital, Stafford since January 2013 with having CCT in general and geriatric medicine under west midlands. I obtained my MBBS and MD (Med) from India before coming to UK.
For Keele University, I lead on SSC (humanities section) for ‘history of human dissection,’ for the 3rd year medical students. I also do the bedside teaching to the 3rd year medical students from Keele University with good feedback.
I am the local co-lead for the Physician Associates students based at County hospital, with good feedback.
I have been involved with RCPE activities. I was part of the organising committee for the St. Andrews Day ‘Acute Medicine Update 2017’ having chaired one session too. I was part of Medicine for Older People 2019 conference under RCPE. I was the organising chair the Medicine for Older People symposium 2020. I am the local co-ordinator for Evening Medical Update (EMU) by RCPE at my hospital.
I am part of Diploma in Geriatric Medicine (DGM) question writing group & also DGM clinical examiner under RCP London. I am PACES examiner.
I have been running the weekly departmental seminar for COE for many years. I am both educational and clinical supervisor for FY1s, CT1s, IMT and SpR and also GPVTS. I also undertake their ARCP regularly. I am the Educational lead for my hospital.
I am British Geriatric Society representative for west midlands.
I have reviewed articles from European Journal of Emergency Medicine, BMJ & Age and Ageing. I have few publications in peer reviewed journals & also done platform and poster presentations.
Teaching and training are an integral part of my career. I am actively involved in Clinical Governance in my hospital. I was Falls lead for County hospital for nearly 5 years. I was also clinical lead for care of elderly at County hospital for over 2 years.
I believe in continuous professional development and have passion for education, training and teaching. Having a background of medical teaching, I enjoy teaching on the principles of adult learning to juniors.
Term of Office: 3 years
Date of next re-election to this role: 31st March 2021