Delirium in Older People elearning

Course Overview
This is a comprehensive in-depth course on delirium in older people. It is aimed at health and social care professionals who provide care and services for older people at risk of or experiencing delirium.
Achieving 80% or higher in the assessment modules results in course certification. The course carries 10 CPD hours/credits of distance learning from the RCP (London).
Course modules
Course learning is divided into four modules:
- Module 1: Identification and Diagnosis of Delirium
- Module 2: Prevention and Management of Delirium
- Module 3: Considerations in Delirium
- Module 4: Advances in Delirium

Course options
The elearning course is accessible for free for BGS members but charged at £150 for non-members
Participants can progress through the module chapters and undertake the multiple-choice questions.
Achieving 80% or higher in the assessment modules results in course certification.
The total course is approved for 10 CPD hours/credits. Approximate timings for individual modules are:
Identification and Diagnosing Delirium | 120 minutes |
Prevention and Management of Delirium | 150 minutes |
Considerations in Delirium | 120 minutes |
Advances in Delirium | 150 minutes |
How to register for this elearning course

As a member, you can register for free access using the pink button at the side of this page.
You can access the course without being a member of the BGS. To do so, you need to create a Non-Member account and pay £150.
With an account, register using the pink button at the side of this page. You can join the BGS to enjoy the wider membership benefits.
Not yet a member? Click here to join the BGS |
How to access the elearning course
Click on 'My account' at the top right corner of the page and then select the 'My elearning' button (see image, right).
You will be able to see all registered courses which are currently running.
Make sure you click on 'Exit Activity' before you leave the course page to ensure you record your progress
Course learning outcomes
- Be able to define delirium and identify different subtypes
- Review scoring systems and diagnostic tools used in the diagnosis of delirium
- Outline the prevalence of delirium in different care settings
- Develop an awareness of the morbidity and mortality associated with delirium
- Explore the proposed models of pathophysiology of delirium
- Outline the aetiology of delirium and list common causes
- Develop clinical approach to assessing a patient with delirium
- Outline methods of identifying patients at risk of delirium
- Consider non-pharmacological and pharmacological methods for delirium prevention
- Review non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments for delirium
- Develop an awareness of the importance of the MDT in looking after patients with delirium
- Understand delirium complications and consider methods of reducing these
- Appreciate the importance of good communication with patients, their relatives and carers
- Review the Mental Capacity Act and understand Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards within provision of care for patients with delirium
- Gain insight into delirium from the perspective of patient, family and staff
- Consider delirium care in different circumstances including intensive care, anaesthetics and hip fracture, mental health, end of life and in the community
- Appreciate individual and organisational challenges to best delirium care
- Understand the gaps in delirium education
- Appreciate principles of cognitive friendly design
- Consider the importance of use of accurate language around delirium
- Have insight into technology uses within delirium care
- Appreciate the role of quality improvement within delirium, and understand research advances in the field