Dr Lindsay Whyte

Scotland Representative
Role on the Council

Scottish Trainees Representative

Role on the Council

To represent scottish trainees at the BGS Scotland and national BGS councils. To organise scottish trainees meetings.


Scottish BGS council meetings, Scottish trainees meeting, national trainees council meetings.

Reason for joining the BGS Trainee’s Council

 I have taken part in BGS meetings and events throughout my training. I always find them enjoyable as well as important for our training, development and understanding of our specialty. I am pleased to be able to contribute and become more involved. Having trained in several areas of Scotland I feel I am well placed to understand the good points and challenges of training here and look forward to representing trainees on the councils.

Why trainees should get involved with the committee

I think the BGS is a great influence on the development and improvement of geriatrics and patient care and is also involved with shaping our training. I am excited to be involved and look forward to contributing as well as getting an opportunity to develop the all important leadership and management skills!

Term of Office: 2 years
E-mail: lmcvicar [at] nhs [dot] net
Twitter:@ l_whyte