Dr Rebecca Marlor
Role on the Council
Junior rep
Role on the Council
To represent junior trainees at the national BGS trainees council. To encourage junior members to consider a career in geriatrics.
National trainees council meetings.
Reason for joining the BGS Trainee’s Council
This role has been a fantastic opportunity to engage with trainees around the UK and to encourage them to consider a career in geriatric medicine. I feel privileged to be able to sit on the national trainees council and to influence the future of geriatric medicine.
Why trainees should get involved with the committee
With an ageing population the BGS is more important than ever before, guiding policy and also influencing the training of the geriatricians of the future. Being a member of the committee allows you to have your say on this. This role also allows development of leadership skills and networking with others sharing similar academic interests.
Term of Office: 2 years (commenced May 2019)
E-mail: bexmarlor [at] gmail [dot] com