Dr Tung Aung
Dr Aung has been a a Consultant Geriatrician and Hon. Senior Lecturer in Hull Royal Infirmary. He led the development of Falls and Othogeriatric services in Hull. Currently his focus is on the frailty interventions around the ED and Elderly Assessment unit. He is dedicated to medical education and his formal and current roles in medical education include Specialty RCP tutor (Geriatric Medicine) Director of Clinical Studies (HYMS), Deputy- Director of Medical Education (HEY NHS Trust) and Training programme Director for Core Medical Trainees (North & East – HEYH). He also helps the RCP by carrying out the role of MRCP PACES examiner (national and international), PACES exam host, PACES exam chair, RCP associate regional Advisor and the JTCPTB AC vice chair.