International Sarcopenia Translational Research Conference

Thu 05 - Fri 06 October 2023

The Catalyst
3 Science Square,
Newcastle Helix,

Newcastle University
Various Registration Fees

Who should attend?

Researchers with interests in sarcopenia and muscle health from a wide range of disciplines – all are welcome. We particularly encourage attendance by early career researchers, including PhD students.

Why attend?

In recent years there has been growing recognition of the clinical importance of sarcopenia but there is still a major need for more widespread diagnosis and the development of novel treatment options for this highly prevalent age-related condition. Translational research is key to these aims. Great strides are being made in our scientific understanding of sarcopenia and the challenge now is to translate these advances into better care and treatments for older people.

The theme of the event is Where Worlds Meet and our aim is to highlight the importance of sarcopenia and advance our knowledge through encouraging interdisciplinary collaborations and supporting the development of early career researchers.

Please visit our website for more information and to register.