New Frontiers in Frailty - Acute Frailty Network Annual Conference
Thu 27 June 2019 Location:
Grange Tower Bridge Hotel
45 Prescot St
E1 8GP
Acute Frailty Network
See below
Who should attend?
Clinicians, Nurses, Therapists and all associated members of staff with any involvement in the care of frail older people.
Why attend?
- Be inspired by renowned international speakers sharing best practice across the globe
- Hear about the very latest best practice in acute frailty
- Gain practical insights that can be used to improve your services
- Meet with like-minded colleagues from across the UK
The early bird period runs until 30th April. Places that are booked during this period will cost:
- Members of AFN or NHS Elect: £125 per person (or £400 per a group of 4)
- Non-members: £149 per person (or £500 per group of 4)
Places that are booked after this period will cost:
- Members of AFN or NHS Elect: £149 per person (or £500 per group of 4)
- Non-members: £189 per person (or £596 per group of 4)