Congratulations to the winners of the BGS EAMA Awards

The European Academy for Medicine of Ageing is an Advanced Postgraduate Course in Geriatrics held in Europe.
The course costs £10,000.00. The BGS has for the first time this year offered funding support to assist members to benefit from the course. Applicants were invited to send an application form, CV and papers published for our nominated judges to review. This year we had six candidates and the winners Richard Dodds (Newcastle) and Melanie Dani (London) were selected.
The course starts in January 2019 and our successful candidates will be writing a report on their experience which will be published in the BGS Newsletter and on our blog.
Richard Dodds commented:
I’ve recently finished my specialty training in Geriatric Medicine and started an exciting intermediate clinical fellow post at the NIHR Newcastle Biomedical Research Centre. From talking to current and past participants of EAMA, I could see that the course is an amazing opportunity to learn about the latest developments in the clinical care of older people and the research that underpins these. I am extremely grateful to the BGS for supporting my attendance on EAMA. I hope that there will be opportunities to share my learning with other members of the BGS. Looking forward it is great news that the UK will be hosting the European Geriatric Medicine Society Congress in London in 2021.