NHS The Forward View into action: Planning for 2015/16 (December 2014)
This report maps out steps that NHS’ national leadership are taking to support local health economies and organisations in developing and implementing new models of care. The models will be: Multispeciality Community Providers (MCPs); Primary and Acute Care Systems(PACS); additional approaches to creating viable smaller hospitals including new organisational forms as advocated by the Dalton Review and specialist franchises and management chains; and models of enhanced health in care homes. Support programmes across the different care models will be inter-linked and co-ordinated by a New Models of Care Board.
Local organisations wishing to become first cohort sites where models will be piloted have been asked to express their interest by 2 February to the new care models team: england [dot] fiveyearview [at] nhs [dot] net.
At a national level, a new Workforce Advisory Board, chaired by HEE with senior membership from across the system, will be established to develop a health and care workforce with the skills to support the implementation of new models of care.