Vacancies: BGS South East region committee

The South East region of the BGS is seeking to appoint new members to its regional committee.

Would you like a chance to promote local talent and research, facilitate networking and learning within the region, and influence decisions taken at a regional level in relation to the specialty?

The key role of BGS regional committees is to develop and oversee regular region meetings. These happen once or twice a year, sometimes delivered jointly with other regions. As part of the BGS Strategic Plan, we are looking to strengthen regional activities, enabling multi-disciplinary members of the BGS to connect with each other through meetings, information-sharing and peer support.

The South East region has a Chair and a newly-appointed Secretary. They would welcome new members to join the committee, particularly encouraging trainees in geriatric medicine, nurses and AHPs to step forward. We would also welcome committee members from across Kent, Surrey, Sussex and SE London.

Committee duties include:

  • Finding local organisers for future meetings, suggesting programme topics and speakers, and ensuring all events meet the needs of a multidisciplinary audience
  • Encouraging the promotion of local research and quality improvement initiatives by publicising calls for abstracts
  • Facilitating networking at meetings and within the region to support the sharing of best practice at a local level and collaboration between BGS members in the region
  • Gathering feedback from delegates, and suggesting improvements and new ideas for future meetings
  • Maintaining and updating the region’s webpage on the BGS website
  • Working with BGS events staff to deliver high-quality meetings with an excellent delegate experience.

If you are keen to help strengthen the multi-disciplinary community of BGS members in the SE region, we’d love to hear from you. The more people step forward, the more easily the load can be shared! Please email a short expression of interest and your covering CV to M [dot] Stewart [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk BGS Office and Business Manager. If you have any questions please call 0207 608 8575 for more information. The deadline for applications is 5pm on 31 January 2020.

Please note, you must be a current paid member of the BGS and work within the SE Thames or South East region to be eligible for this role.