BGS Scotland

The British Geriatrics Society Scotland (BGS Scotland) is a multi-disciplinary professional membership association that promotes better health and care for older people. Its membership includes the vast majority of specialist health professionals who shape and delivery healthcare to older people in Scotland. The full Council and Board representatives may be found here.

We believe that care should:

  • promote independence, and allow older people to live the lives they choose and be fully involved in their care and treatment plans, including at the end of life;
  • be holistic and person centred;
  • be evidence-based and focused on outcomes, not outputs;
  • be based on a full and complete assessment and diagnosis;
  • be compassionate and caring;
  • be based on need, not age, and promote fair and equal treatment for older people;
  • be multidisciplinary, regardless of setting, and integrate the services of health, social and community care professionals to provide a seamless service.


The BGS welcomes blogs on any number of topics of interest to geriatricians, nurses, therapists and other professionals concerned with the health of older people.