Dr Catriona Basquill

Clinical Quality Committee Representative

Reason for joining the BGS Trainees’ Council:

I joined the BGS Trainees’ Council in 2023 as one of the Clinical Quality Trainee Representatives. I wanted to work with others and be part of a group where people share similar values and are interested in how we can make ongoing improvements to patient care and safety. I also like meeting with and collaboratively working alongside other trainees from around the UK.


BGS clinical quality meetings, BGS national trainee council meetings 

Why trainees should get involved with the committee:

The BGS Trainees’ Council is a great way of meeting and collaboratively working alongside other trainees from around the UK, who share a passion for geriatric medicine. The trainees are committed to advocating for better health in older age, in addition to promoting geriatric medicine and improving the experiences for those who work within this specialty.

Term of Office: 2 years

Current location: ST5 in geriatric medicine, West of Scotland