Hybrid Abstract Presenters

You might have some questions about presenting your abstract at a hybrid meeting - whether as a Poster, Lightning Round, Platform Presentation or President's Round. This page will help guide you through the process.

Introducing the BGS Poster Platform

The BGS poster platform is open to all healthcare professionals to view abstracts and posters submitted at a BGS conference, regardless of your own attendance at these meetings. All accepted abstracts at all levels are encouraged to produce a landscape orientation poster, and a short accompanying video summarising their research to upload into the platform.

The platform aims to allow users to review the latest scientific and clinical quality research presented at our meetings and create a peer-to-peer forum for the discussion of these studies, with the ultimate aim to continue improving the healthcare of older people.

The platform is organised by event. To navigate to the event please click on the event name. Within each event will be a list of accepted abstracts, the accompanying poster and a video summary from the presenters. You are encouraged to browse the posters and comment on the work, to provide feedback to the authors.

You can start a thread for discussion by replying directly to comments.

Please use and share this platform amongst your colleagues, to support the submitting authors, provide feedback and share findings.

Accessing the Platform

When on the platform site,  you will need to log in using the button on the top right hand side, using the details to your BGS account. You will return to this page to access the posters. If you are already logged into the BGS Site you will be able to access immediately.

If you don't have a web account, you can create a free BGS website account and then login.

What is the purpose of the BGS Poster platform?

A platform specifically designed for clinicians and health and care professionals to discuss, comment and ask questions around submitted research.

  • Showcase the latest research and clinical quality work done by Health Care Professionals and Researchers around the world.
  • Submit questions and provide feedback to between the authors and readers.
  • Provide a supportive environment where health professionals can ask questions, offer helpful comments or celebrate the authors successes


Presentation Categories

Please expand the categories below to find more details on preparing to present your abstract.
Poster Presenters
Congratulations on having your abstract accepted as a poster. We would like to add your poster to the event platform as early as possible for attendees to access on demand, and to be able to submit questions to you about your research using the comment feature. You as the presenter can reply to comments in threaded conversations. As an accepted poster presenter there is no mandatory day for you to register for our conference to present your work - the posters will be on display from at least 1 week prior, throughout the meeting, and for the subsequent 12 months.  

For our main BGS Spring and Autumn meetings they will also appear as an online supplement in our journal, Age and Ageing.
Abstracts at other events, such as our SIG, Nation and Region meetings, will not be published in the journal and will appear only on the BGS site.

What do you need to do:

  • Confirm back to the BGS that you’d wish to present your poster to abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk. If someone else is presenting on your behalf please reply to this email or advise us prior
  • Register for the meeting (if not already done so) – as a minimum for 1 day if attending in person, or online. Members benefit from reduced fees, and membership is free for Medical and Nursing/AHP Students, Foundation Year doctors and preceptorship year nurses/AHPS.
  • Please upload a high-resolution pdf (A4 landscape orientation) of your completed poster, an accompanying video (No more than 10 minutes), and your abstract text into the BGS poster platform
  • Attend the meeting - in person where possible, or online. 
  • Reply to comments and take questions in person and via the poster platform

Next steps

Preparing your poster

Your poster will be added to the BGS poster platform posters.bgs.org.uk for all BGS website users to access. We require landscape orientation for virtual posters, in A4 size.
  • You will be emailed instructions to access the poster platform in advance. You will need to upload a poster, your abstract text and a recording summarising your research
  • Upload posters directly into the platform by the deadline. The submitting author is the only person able to upload. If you don't have this information, or want to change the person responsible for uploading details to the platform please email abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk
  • Please submit a recording hosted in Vimeo or YouTube summarising your research methods and outcomes to accompany the poster. You will need to add in a URL link to your recording. Vimeo accounts are free to create and information on uploading your file can be found here
  • BGS staff will review and publish your posters. Posters are not publically visible until 1 week before the meeting
  • Register via the BGS site at least 2 weeks before the event
  • Log in to the event platform and poster platform in advance to check you can access and for any errors.

How will my poster be accessed?

  • The abstract, poster(s) and accompanying videos will be added to the posters platform. People can add comments in the platform at anytime, which you will see and be able to reply to regardless of the number of days you have registered for.
  • There will be a stable link on the BGS poster platform to cite your abstract/poster in future. We will not issue certificates of presentation on top of the CPD attendance certificate.
  • Please do check the poster platform section regularly and reply to any comments where you can.
  • Contact us with any questions and congratulations again on having your abstract accepted via abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk
Lightning Round
Congratulations on having your abstract accepted for presentation. Selected abstracts will be presented live at the conference by the authors in 3-minute vignettes. This is a new (for the BGS) method of poster presentation recently adopted and not at all meetings.
This will be a 3-minute live summary presented in person at the meeting. There will be 2 minutes for questions meaning a total of 5 minutes.
Abstract presenters will need to be present in the allocated meeting room (or via Zoom if joining online) 15 minutes before the start of the session.
As for poster presenters, you will need to prepare and upload a poster of your work in landscape format, as well as optionally a single slide to accompany your live presentation. Alternatively, you can use your poster to accompany your talk if in landscape format.
For our main BGS Spring and Autumn meetings they will also appear as an online supplement in our journal, Age and Ageing.
Abstracts at other events, such as our SIG, Nation and Region meetings, will not be published in the journal and will appear only on the BGS site.

What do you need to do:

  • Confirm back to the BGS that you’d wish to present your poster as a lightning round poster to abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk. If someone else is presenting on your behalf please reply to this email or advise us prior  
  • Register for the meeting (if not already done so) – as a minimum for 1 day. Members benefit from reduced fees, and membership is free for Medical and Nursing/AHP Students, Foundation Year doctors and preceptorship year nurses/AHPS.
  • Please upload a high-resolution pdf  (A4 landscape orientation) of your completed poster, an accompanying 5 minute video and your abstract text into the BGS poster platform
  • Attend the meeting on the day to present your summary and take questions

How will they be presented:

For your live session

  • You will be asked to come on stage at a specific time to present live as part of the lightning round.
  • Judges and attendees will be able to make contact via the chat panel to ask questions about your research at any time, instead of just during the set poster breaks. You will be able to reply at your own pace
  • The moderator will ask 1 or 2 short questions in follow-up, invite the audience to view the posters in more detail, and reach out directly for further discussion.

For the poster platform 

  • Attendees will be able to visit the posters throughout the entire live conference and will be encouraged to visit throughout the meeting by our moderators and announcements

Preparing your poster

Your poster will be added to the BGS poster platform posters.bgs.org.uk for all BGS website users to access. We require landscape orientation for virtual posters, in A4 size.
  1. You will be emailed instructions to access the poster platform in advance. You will need to upload a poster, your abstract text and a recording summarising your research
  2. Upload posters directly into the platform by the deadline.  The submitting author is the only person able to upload. If you don't have this information, or want to change the person responsible for uploading details to the platform please email abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk 
  3. Please submit a recording hosted in Vimeo or YouTube summarising your research methods and outcomes to accompany the poster. You will need to add in a URL link to your recording. Vimeo accounts are free to create and information on uploading your file can be found here
  4. BGS staff will review and publish your posters. Posters are not publically visible until 1 week before the meeting
  5. Register via the BGS site at least 2 weeks before the event
  6. Log in to the event platform and poster platform in advance to check you can access and for any errors.

How will my poster be accessed?

The abstract, poster(s) and accompanying videos will be added to the posters platform. People can add comments in the platform at anytime, which you will see and be able to reply to regardless of the number of days you have registered for. 
There will be a stable link on the BGS poster platform to cite your abstract/poster in future. We will not issue certificates of presentation on top of the CPD attendance certificate.
Please do check the poster platform section regularly and reply to any comments where you can.

Contact us with any questions and congratulations again on having your abstract accepted via abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk  

Platform Presentations
Congratulations on having your abstract accepted as a platform presentation. We'd like you to prepare a poster and a video of your talk (for use in the platform site and as a backup) and share with us.

We'd like you to pre-record this presentation as a back up in case of issues arising on the day, but to deliver your presentation live. Ideally this would be in person.

For our main BGS Spring and Autumn meetings they will also appear as an online supplement in our journal, Age and Ageing.
Abstracts at other events, such as our SIG, Nation and Region meetings, will not be published in the journal and will appear only on the BGS site.

What do you need to do:

  • Confirm back to the BGS that you’d wish to present your abstract as a platform to abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk. If someone else is presenting on your behalf please reply to this email or advise us prior  
  • Please prepare a poster as a high-resolution pdf  (A4 landscape orientation) 
  • Register for the meeting (if not already done so) – as a minimum for 1 day. Members benefit from reduced fees, and membership is free for Medical and Nursing/AHP Students, Foundation Year doctors and preceptorship year nurses/AHPS.
  • Please prepare a back up recording of your platform, and upload a high-resolution pdf  (A4 landscape orientation) of your completed poster, an accompanying  video, and your abstract text into the BGS poster platform
  • Attend the meeting on the day to present your summary and take questions

Next steps

Preparing your platform

  • Please record yourself, using slides if you wish, summarising your work for no more than 10 minutes. This should be in an .mp4 format for upload to a video hosting platform such as Vimeo or YouTube. You can also share this file by Dropbox (a file request link can be shared).

Presenting your work

  • Please confirm back to abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk that you wish to present your work. Your time will be confirmed by email. It is not possible to change this timing.
  • You will need to share your slides in advance. The default route for this is to email abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk and also cc in registrations [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk 
  • Please arrive to the appointed room 15 minutes in advance of the session start (not your presentation start time) to introduce yourself to the moderator and AV support team. Have your presentation in an accessible location (email, cloud or USB stick).

Preparing your poster

Your poster will be added to the BGS poster platform posters.bgs.org.uk for all BGS website users to access. We require landscape orientation for virtual posters, in A4 size.
  • You will be emailed instructions to access the poster platform in advance. You will need to upload a poster, your abstract text and a recording summarising your research
  • Upload posters directly into the platform by the deadline.  The submitting author is the only person able to upload. If you don't have this information, or want to change the person responsible for uploading details to the platform please email abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk 
  • (Optional) you can submit your backup recording of your platform presentation hosted in Vimeo or YouTube summarising your research methods and outcomes to accompany the poster. You will need to add in a URL link to your recording. Vimeo accounts are free to create and information on uploading your file can be found here
  • BGS staff will review and publish your posters. Posters are not publically visible until 1 week before the meeting
  • Register via the BGS site at least 2 weeks before the event
  • Log in to the event platform and poster platform in advance to check you can access and for any errors.

How will my poster be accessed?

The abstract, poster(s) and accompanying videos will be added to the posters platform. People can add comments in the platform at anytime, which you will see and be able to reply to regardless of the number of days you have registered for. 
There will be a stable link on the BGS poster platform to cite your abstract/poster in future. We will not issue certificates of presentation on top of the CPD attendance certificate.
Please do check the poster platform section regularly and reply to any comments where you can.

Contact us with any questions and congratulations again on having your abstract accepted via abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk  

President's Round
Congratulations on having your abstract accepted as a President's round poster.
We’ve would like to add your platform recording to the event platform as early as possible for attendees to watch on-demand, and to be able to submit questions to you using the chat function,

We will also add your abstract text to the Abstract book, and these will be published on the BGS site and then for our main Spring and Autumn meetings as an online supplement in our journal Age and Ageing. Abstracts at other events, our SIG, Nation and Region meetings will not be published in the journal ( i.e.G4J, BGS Scotland Spring ) will not be published other than on the BGS site.

What do you need to do:

  • Confirm back to the BGS that you’d wish to present your abstract as a President's Round to abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk. If someone else is presenting on your behalf please reply to this email or advise us prior  
  • Register for the meeting (if not already done so) – as a minimum for 1 day. Members benefit from reduced fees, and membership is free for Medical and Nursing/AHP Students, Foundation Year doctors and preceptorship year nurses/AHPS. Register via the BGS Site at least 2 weeks before the event
  • Please prepare a poster as a high-resolution pdf  (A4 landscape orientation) 
  • Please prepare a backup recording of your abstract summary, and upload a high-resolution pdf  (A4 landscape orientation) of your completed poster, an accompanying  video, and your abstract text into the BGS poster platform. This should be a 3-minute summary. Upload via the upload link communicated to you. If you don't have this email abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk
  • Attend the meeting on the day to present your summary and take questions from the President and VP of Research and Academic Affairs. Log in to the event platform in advance to check details are correct

How will my poster be accessed?

The abstract, poster(s) and accompanying videos will be added to the posters platform. People can add comments in the platform at anytime, which you will see and be able to reply to regardless of the number of days you have registered for. 
There will be a stable link on the BGS poster platform to cite your abstract/poster in future. We will not issue certificates of presentation on top of the CPD attendance certificate.
Please do check the poster platform section regularly and reply to any comments where you can.

Contact us with any questions and congratulations again on having your abstract accepted via abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk  


Do I need to bring a paper copy of my poster?

No. Posters are displayed electronically at the conference venue and via the platform online.

What should my video cover? Is a video mandatory?

Hybrid meetings see half of attendees online. They can't engage with poster presenters standing next to their work. The inperson audience are also keen to socialise and make up for lost time so having an accompanying video to your poster allows you to summarise your work, as you might have done at the meeting, one on one, pre-pandemic. It also means you don't have to keep repeating yourself.
You can also browse other examples of submitted videos in the poster platform for inspiration in style and content. They are not mandatory, so you can upload your poster without one, but they are strongly encouraged.

Preparing an ePoster

Electronic posters at a BGS hybrid or virtual should be landscape in orientation, but portrait can be accepted if necessary. Please prepare your poster as a high quality PDF (300dpi).

When designing the poster page, size (i.e. A4, A3, A0, etc) is less important but please scale them to A4 where possible. They will be viewed on attendees' computers so will display on a variety of different devices, but PDF viewers can allow people to navigate and zoom in as needed.

Some articles here on how to create a better poster design and communicate information: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2019/06/24/theres-movement-better-scientific-posters-are-they-really-better

Video: How to create a better research poster in less time 

Templates can be found here: https://osf.io/ef53g/


Recording your videos accompanying your abstract
To create a Vimeo account

Vimeo accounts are free to create and information on uploading your file can be found here

To pre-record your talk there are several different options available.

Recording a narrated presentation via PowerPoint

In PowerPoint you can record yourself with audio, and camera, with the timings of your slides. See here for help.

In Teams or Zoom, or any other video calling platform, it is usually possible to record yourself by starting a meeting, without inviting anyone to join and recording your shared screen content. This will only permit audio narration alongside your slides. Below is a guide on how to do this in Teams.

If you have any questions please reach conferences [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk

Recording a narrated presentation via Microsoft Teams video call

This guide will explain how to record a narrated presentation via Microsoft Teams, from the video call function. The video call function can be used to screen share and record your desktop and any content displayed on your desktop, such as PowerPoint slides.


  • Start a video call meeting in Teams

  • Start a recording of your presentation / present your content

  • Access and download a recording

  • Share your recording with BGS - Upload your recording directly to BGS

  • Start a video call meeting in Teams

  1. Open Microsoft Teams from a browser or the app. Please see further guidance on the following help page;

From a browser, only Google Chrome or the latest version of Microsoft Edge will allow screen sharing. Mac users may be prompted to change privacy settings to screen share, and window sharing isn’t available for Linux users.

  1. Click on the meet now option from your Teams calendar to start a video call (please click on the following link for further guidance;

  2. You will now see an option to join now. Before you join, select devices to check that your preferred device settings are selected for audio and video input. Also check the audio icon indicates audio is on (a line through the icon means it is off).You can choose to turn off your video by double clicking on the video icon. This will mean your webcam will not show your image. If you leave your video on, your image will appear in the bottom right-hand corner during your recording. If you turn it off, it will show your initials or your saved profile picture.

  3. Click on join now when you are ready to start.

Start a recording of your presentation

It is strongly advised to complete the following steps with a test recording of a few minutes duration to check you are happy with the recorded view of your content and the sound quality.

If you make a significant mistake, start the narration of a particular segment / slide from the beginning again, whilst keeping the recording going. Make a note of when it happened. It is possible to trim the start and end of a recording and also cut out an unwanted segment / slide narration. It is not possible to easily cut out many minor mistakes in a flow of uninterrupted speech. If you make many mistakes, the easiest thing to do is to start a new recording.

  1. Navigate to your desktop and open your PowerPoint slides or other content you wish to narrate over (for example an image, a Word document, a website in your browser).

  2. Navigate back to the Teams video call you have started.

  3. Select more options/ start recording from the call menu bar. As explained above, if you are a guest, you will need to have arranged a call with a non-guest to record on your behalf.

  4. In the call menu bar now choose to screen share your desktop (please click on the following link for further guidance;

Choose from the listed options to share:

  • your desktop (useful if you want to share views of multiple items you are accessing – browser windows, your desktop, and files etc,.)

  • a browser window only (useful for sharing a view on one item you are accessing – a browser window, a file you have open etc,.)

  • a PowerPoint file only

It is preferable to share a view of a PowerPoint file that is open on your desktop. If you share and display a PowerPoint file in Teams, the image may be slightly compressed or framed by additional content in Teams.

Present your content
  1. If you are presenting only slides, navigate to your PowerPoint slides on your desktop and open slide show view.

  2. You can now present your slides and narrate over the content. Your voice and the slide show view of your slides will be recorded, as well as either your image in the right-hand corner or your initials / profile picture.

  3. To stop sharing, navigate back to the meeting tool bar in Teams and select stop sharing.

  4. To stop recording, navigate back to the meeting tool bar and select stop recording.

As soon as you select record, you will be recording everything you are sharing. Please ensure you have checked there is nothing you have open / displayed that you do not want in a recording.

Access and download a recording

You will receive an email notification to your associated Office 365 Outlook email account with a link to your recording when ready. You will then be able to view your recording online in Microsoft Stream (an application available as part of your Office 365 suite, please see further guidance at the following help page; Microsoft Stream). You will also see a copy in the associated chat for the meeting in Teams.

Guests who have had content recorded on their behalf can see the recording in the meeting chat too, but will need the person who recorded to download / share the content from Stream on their behalf.

Click on the link in the email to open the recording in Stream. Select download your content from more actions in the menu bar beneath the recording.

Share your recording with the BGS

You can notify the BGS that you have completed this by adding the URL to your poster on the platform site.
If you are presenting a President's Round or platform presentation you will be emailed to share your slides with us in advance of the meeting, and to attend live to present your work.

Email conferences [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk for any help.

(Adapted from https://howto.hyms.ac.uk/knowledge-base/recording-a-narrated-presentation-via-microsoft-teams)

Will I get a certificate?

No we won't issue a certificate for presenting posters. We will not issue certificates of presentation on top of the CPD attendance certificate.
There will be a stable link on the BGS site to cite your abstract/poster in the future. Posters remain accessible in the posters.bgs.org.uk site.

Those presented at the three day Spring and Autumn meetings will be published in a supplement to Age and Ageing post meeting.

We do send a formal notification of presentation if the submitting author attended the meeting, and a poster was shared in our poster platform.

We have discussed this with our Trainees Council committee and Education and Training Committee and have confirmed that this evidence is sufficient. If there are confirmed instances of this evidence not being accepted, please share with us so that we can demonstrate this and act upon it as required.

Presenting your poster at the hybrid event

Our online platform makes it easy to upload your poster yourself, along with a an accompanying talk and reconfirming your abstract details (Title, content, authors etc)

If you have not registered for the conference, or your co-authors haven’t, the first step is to register via the BGS Site. Remember, a browser other than Internet Explorer (IE) needs to be used. 

When registered and logged into the BGS website, you can visit the subdomain posters.bgs.org.uk .

Questions and comments will appear in below your posters. Please ensure you are logged into the platform in advance of the meeting so you can answer questions or comments about your poster, research, and findings.

Please use this platform to engage with the inperson and online attendees at the meeting, as well as the wider BGS community who can see your research. 

Do I need to register for the meeting?

Yes. At least one author of the poster or platform needs to register for the meeting. Traditionally posters are viewed on Thursday but in the hybrid and virtual world, they can be accessed from much earlier and we encourage early registration.

I want to make an adjustment

Your abstract has been through a rigorous adjudication process as we received it and we will not make any alterations to it for updated results, additional content or similar errors. For fundamental changes please reach abstracts [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk 

You are free to upload updates to your poster, or your video recording as you wish

Age and Ageing Supplement

Those abstracts presented at the BGS Spring and Autumn Meetings (the 3 day national conferences) will be published in an online supplement to our journal, Age and Ageing.
This process can take several months after the meeting and notifications will be sent when this is published. 
The supplement can be cited in your appraisal or portfolio.
For other BGS conferences, abstracts are not published in our journal. The poster platform will remain accessible and the URL stable for your to cite. A free login to view this will be required.

What prizes are there?

We encourage submissions from those at the start of their career. This includes medical, nurse and AHP students as well as Foundation Year, IMT and Clinical Fellows.

Spring and Autumn National Conferences (3-Day conferences)
There are several cash prizes at the BGS Spring and Autumn national conferences awarded to the best platform and best posters. There are also prizes for work submitted by Nurses and AHPs ( the Eva Huggins Prize of £200.00) GPs in training (£200.00) and Doctoral Researchers ( The Richard Dodds Memorial prize, a framed certificate and the chance to present your work at a subsequent Autumn or Spring  BGS conference in the Research session.)

Special Interest Group conferences
At BGS Special Interest Group conferences there are prizes for the best platform presentation and best poster. The prize is a complimentary registration for a national BGS Spring or Autumn conference (equivalent to £180 - £270). This should be taken up within one year. You will be invited to present your work here in the poster presented elsewhere section:rizes

Devolved Nation Meetings and England Region Local Meetings
At BGS Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England Region meetings there are prizes for the best platform presentation and best poster. The prize is a complimentary registration for a national BGS Spring or Autumn conference (equivalent to £180 - £270). This should be taken up within one year. You will be invited to present your work here in the poster presented elsewhere section.

*Those at consultant level or equivalent are not eligible for prizes