Hybrid Event Presenters

Thank you for agreeing to present a session at a BGS event. Presenting live and in person my not always be required or possible. To help with occasions when online technology is needed to give your presentation, please see our guidance below. If you have any queries that are not covered in the details below, do not hesitate to contact Helen Blackman registrations [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk - 0203 747 6940.
We suggest that you pre-record your presentation to ensure optimal sound and picture quality via Zoom. The recording will also serve as a back-up should there be technical issues on the day. You will receive an email and a link to book a time with our AV support company. If you have not received this email 4 weeks prior to your presentation date, registrations [at] bgs [dot] org [dot] uk (contact us).
Online participants will attend via the BGS website which provides simple access via a web browser.
- Minimise background noise. Go to a separate room where possible, and if available, use a noise cancelling headset.
- Be well lit. Have great lighting. Good lighting helps us see each other better, and thus, stay more engaged.
- Pay attention to what's in the background. A busy background or people walking behind a presenter can be distracting for others on the call.
- What to wear? Patterns like stripes or checkers can have a strange effect on video online. It is usually best to wear solid colours.
- Put the webcam at eye level. This helps make eye contact with others on the video call.
- Turn your notifications off. This will avoid the distraction and noise caused when a notification pings. Close any Apps and Programmes not being used.
- Minimise movement. Moving around a lot can be distracting for others on the call.
- Rehearse so you cover the key areas in time.
- Test everything. Arrive a 15 minutes before the session you are presenting in starts, to test your equipment and to speak to our AV support team who will be online waiting for your when you join.
- Speak slowly and clearly. It’s easier to miss what someone has said over video than in person. Consider investing in a USB microphone for added audio quality.
- Favour visual rather than text. Strong visuals and images keep audience eyes focused on the screen and on the presenter. Images are not just visually appealing, they can be more effective in conveying emotion because of the way in which our brains process visual stimuli.
- Be Engaging. Engage with participants through pictures, videos, illustrations, examples and questions.
- Have fun and be energetic. Project and speak louder than usual.