RCP Falls and Fragility Audit Programme (FFFAP) patient resources
Fact sheet
Our fact sheets help you find resources beyond the British Geriatrics Society website
Date Published:
09 May 2019
Last updated:
09 May 2019 The Royal College of Physicians Falls and Fragility Fracture Audit Programme (FFFAP) has developed a series of patient and public centred resources to support better care.
My hip fracture care: 12 questions to ask
A guide for patients, their families and carers who have fractured their hip to understand their inpatient stay based on 12 key questions about their hospital care.
Strong bones after 50
A jargon-free resource describing effective secondary prevention for future fractures. It details the role of Fracture Liaison Services.
Falls prevention in hospital: a guide for patients, their families and carers
A guide for patients to help them understand what they can do and steps that can be taken to prevent them falling in hospital.