A BGS webinar on tips and advice on delivering virtual clinics in older peoples services
A free BGS webinar on Training and Research
A free BGS webinar on Community: Care home and Palliative care during the COVID pandemic
A free BGS webinar on Front door experience and of using technology during the COVID pandemic.
A free virtual meeting utilising MS Teams Live Event to discuss the challenges we are facing in the current pandemic regarding older people cardiovascular diseases.
A virtual meeting to discuss the challenges we are facing in the current pandemic for those in Geriatric Medicine training
A BGS webinar on the COVID19 impact in NI relating to BGS activities and providing healthcare to older people
The BGS South East Region Meeting has been postponed and will not take place on 30 April - please click for further information.
A BGS webinar on the COVID19 impact in Scotland relating to BGS activities and providing healthcare to older people
The BGS Scotland Spring Meeting has been postponed and will not take place on 24 April - please click for further information.
The BGS Trent Spring Meeting has been postponed and will not take place on 22 April - please click for further information.
The BGS NE Thames Region Meeting has been postponed and will not take place on 21 April - please click for further information.