Coronavirus: Current information and advice

Fact sheet
Our fact sheets help you find resources beyond the British Geriatrics Society website
British Geriatrics Society
Date Published:
28 February 2020
Last updated: 
20 January 2021

A compilation of current official UK/global advice and publications relating to the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19. 

As part of our duty of care to members and others working on the frontline of older people's healthcare, we are sharing advice and guidance about the outbreak of coronavirus. 

This information is aimed at healthcare professionals. Members of the public are advised to refer to the information on this page.

Please see this page for latest information on vaccination.

Royal Medical Colleges and Chartered Societies

Professional and regulatory bodies

Specialist societies and associations

  • COVID-19: Rehabilitation of older people
    This page brings together resources and information relating to the rehabilitation of older people as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, either following recovery from the virus or as a consequence of an execerbation of other health issues due to isolation or reduced access to health services.

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